Thursday, May 12, 2011

Everything went from wrong to wrong'er to better then wrong, super wrong then right, then now best. HAHAHA I bet you have no idea what I just typed. I missed the bus this morning (reached on time but wasn't paying attention/A bus left early) which led to reaching clock in location exactly clock in time but trucks were out there and so the bus stopped way further and by the time i half-run in I was 1 minute late. My partner for work today is awesome and my back to back people are the best people. 2 of the 4 girls/woman are my friends and my partner is really nice and friendly, probably gay, but still very nice. 15 years in Disney Entertainment department, not a slight bit of show-off or know-it-all unlike the other day's trainer. Tried to talk to the manager to see about the clock in thing because it would be 0.5 points, but she can't do anything about it when I heard people can just ask their managers to change their shift timing so they got away with it. Felt distracted and etc till I lost the Disney ID card that I use to clock in and take cast member bus. But I met a very nice lady working as security today so she let me back to Magic Kingdom where the manager was there, fortunately as the office was already closing she would have left and found my card! Talked to KK about our travelling plans and etc, felt so much better nao.

I need to deep sleep... Haven't slept much lately and ate very little. Skipped dinner tonight without knowing -_- Which is quite good because I ate a lot yesterday night at Applebee's. Abrupt ending with 'I love my KK and my KK loves me'. ^^

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